HICF and DECU Announce $25,000 Moving Forward EMS/EMT Scholarship to Benefit Richland Community College Students

In honor of #EMSWeek, the Heart of Illinois Community Foundation (HICF) and Decatur Earthmover Credit Union (DECU) announce a $25,000 Moving Forward scholarship to benefit Richland Community College students in the EMT/EMS certification program.

RCC offers both EMT and EMS certifications and an EMS Associate's degree. After completing the program and passing a licensure examination, graduates are equipped to work as EMT's, paramedics, critical care paramedics or flight paramedics for hospitals, ambulance services, fire departments, air ambulances and rescue squads.

This endowed fund will provide annual scholarships to students enrolled in the program, creating a permanent component of the Moving Forward grant program.

Learn more about Moving Forward