HICF Behind The Scenes
Heart for Humanity - Walk the Walk Reflection
January 7, 2025
Reimagining Workforce Development
August 8, 2024 We are committed to evolve in our understanding of how philanthropy contributes to workforce development and the prosperity of Central Illinois.
Why a women's giving circle? And why now?
October 26, 2023 Give Together. Decide Together. Benefit Together.
The Impact of Granting Wishes
August 21, 2023 Our CEO Natalie Beck shares the impact of granting a wish with significant personal meaning.
Make Progress Toward Tolerance
June 20, 2023 Our CEO Natalie Beck shares her insights after visiting the Mobile Museum of Tolerance.
A Message From Your "Principal"
May 2, 2023 Our CEO Natalie Beck shares her insights after participating in the "Principal for the Day" program.