Existing Funds
The Heart of Illinois Community Foundation is a local organization with roots in the community.
Created by the Romano family in memory of A. Marie Romano Potrafka, this fund provides financial assistance to students of St. Patrick's Catholic School who meet the published criteria.
This fund provides over $100,000 annually in adult and nontraditional scholarship support. Scholarship awards range up to $2,500 per individual and may be used for tuition, course/program-related fees and books.
To promote and facilitate an interest in preservation and publishing of African-American genealogy and family histories; to provide resources and education about African-American history; to enhance self-esteem and race relations through education, cultural activities and events.
This fund was created in memory of Amy Caldwell with the contributions designated for Camp CoCo (Children's Oncology Camp Organization).
The Anne Lloyd Endowment for the Decatur Area Arts Council was created by Bob Lloyd in memory of his wife. Anne, to support the mission and activities of the Decatur Area Arts Council. Bob's original gift was matched by the ADM Challenge. Since its inception in 2003, several other donors have added to this endowment, which provides an annual distribution to the Decatur Area Arts Council.
Whether its renewing flower beds, adding murals and public art, way signing, holiday décor, bike racks and other types of beautification, donations to this fund support projects in Macon County.
Big Brothers Big Sisters created this endowed fund to provide additional dollars to support the mission of their agency.
Created by a generous donor, the earnings from this endowed fund provide income each year to help with the organizational needs of the Boys & Girls Club of Decatur.
Cancer Care Specialist of Illinois Charitable Fund receives memorial gifts that are used to provide educational healthcare resources to the communities they serve and healthcare-related scholarships.
Created by the children and friends of Delores P. Fleming, this fund is used to provide equipment to law enforcement that will help locate loved ones with Alzheimer's disease, autism or other such conditions in the event that they become lost.
Created by a generous church member and matched with ADM Challenge matching dollars, this fund provides an annual distribution into the general operations of Central Christian Church.
Created by the staff of DCC Marketing, this fund helps provide clothing, personal care items or other necessary items to local students who are homeless/transient.
This award was established to honor Bill Turner, a distinguished research chemist at A.E. Staley Manufacturing Company (currently Tate & Lyle), who was credited with the development of two starch patents. This award recognizes an outstanding graduating chemistry student at St. Teresa High School.
This endowed fund was created by donations for The Children's Museum of Illinois and an ADM Challenge Match. The earnings from this fund are distributed to The Children's Museum of Illinois and are used to support their mission and activities.
Donations to the Clokey Park Neighborhood Fund help support the work and mission of the Clokey Park Neighborhood Association.
Annual grants from this fund support public art and a commitment to visual awareness of pride in our community. The most recent grants from this fund provided a holiday ornament and 11 electrical box wraps in Decatur.
The purpose of this fund is to create an unrestricted endowment to allow The Community Foundation to make grants based on the community's needs at that time. The fund helps ensure that as our county's needs change, there will be a steady stream of income to help address those needs.
Created in 2018 by an anonymous donor, the fund provides 10 grants of up to $10,000 each year to local organizations for programming in areas such as youth, education, senior services, etc. Watch our website for the annual details.
The Grand Victoria Foundation provided a $1 million grant to this endowed fund as part of the statewide CommunityWorks initiative, in addition to matching funds for donations toward this initiative. The annual earnings from this fund are used to address issues in early childhood, workforce development, and land use and protection.
The Dani Rubin Kater Memorial Fund for COVID Care supports and provides services and resources devoted to battling the coronavirus pandemic.
The Decatur Earthmover Credit Union CommunityWorks Endowment was created by a $10,000 gift from the Decatur Earthmover Credit Union in recognition of David Walker's career upon his retirement. Their gift was matched with a $10,000 grant from the Grand Victoria Foundation as part of the CommunityWorks Challenge. The annual earnings from this fund are used to address issues in early childhood, workforce development, and land use and protection.
This endowed fund was created to benefit the Decatur Area Habitat for Humanity. Earnings from this fund may be used to support its mission and activities.
Support Decatur Day Care by donating to their designated fund.
The Decatur Earthmover Credit Union Communityworks Endowment was created by a $50,000 gift from the Decatur Earthmover Credit Union in celebration of their 50th anniversary. Their gift was matched with a $50,000 grant from the Grand Victoria Foundation as part of the CommunityWorks Challenge. The annual earnings from this fund are used to address issues in early childhood, workforce development, and land use and protection.
Created by the Decatur Family YMCA, this endowment fund provides annual distributions to help support the mission and work of the YMCA.
Created by local firefighters, this fund is used to provide Christmas presents to families in hardship.
Donations to this fund help support the Decatur Public Library.
The DMCOC Endowment fund has been created to provide an additional income stream to support the mission and work of Decatur-Macon County Opportunities Corporation.
The fund supports the Decatur police departments special programs, projects and initiatives.
Earnings from the Futures Unlimited School Endowment Fund are used to help support the purpose and needs of the Futures Unlimited School.
Donations to this fund are used to provide games to military personnel who are deployed overseas.
Earnings from this endowed fund are used each year to support the mission of the Girl Scouts Council of Central Illinois.
This endowed fund was created to provide an additional funding source to support the mission and work of God's Shelter of Love.
The Governor Oglesby Mansion Charitable Fund is an endowed fund created by local donors and an ADM Challenge Match. Distributions from the fund support the Governor Oglesby Mansion in its mission and activities.
The Greenwood Cemetery Fund is to be used for projects that will restore and enhance Greenwood Cemetery.
The annual earnings from this fund are used to provide long-term sustainability for the HICF. This endowment serves as a financial backbone, generating a steady stream of income that supports the Foundation's ongoing operations. Contributions to the Operating Endowment ensure that the Community Foundation can continue to provide leadership, stewardship, and philanthropic support to the community for generations to come. By investing in the Operating Endowment, donors demonstrate their commitment to the enduring success and impact of the HICF.
This endowed fund was created to provide an additional funding source to support the mission and work of Heritage Behavioral Health Center.
This fund supports nonprofits in Macon, Moultrie, and Piatt County whose primary missions are to improve the emergency food system while addressing root causes of hunger by increasing food access, advancing community nutrition education and creating agricultural and community development opportunities.
Original donations to this fund helped create a relief sculpture by famed artist Preston Jackson depicting one of Decatur's pioneering civil rights leaders, Mr. Horace G. Livingston, Jr. The sculpture can be seen at Mueller Park in Decatur, Ill.
Created in memory of beloved educator and administrator Howard Brown, the earnings from this endowment fund help support the mission and needs of the Futures Unlimited school.
The scholarship will be for private lessons by a professional teacher at an accredited school of music and will be awarded annually to a student grades 8-12 from McLean County who, by audition, shows exceptional musical talent on an instrument used in a symphony orchestra.
Disbursements from this fund are used to support the mission and activities of Independence Pointe, a program of Macon Resources, Inc.
Created by Ellen Hearn in memory of her mother, Eliose Ivens, this fund provides grants to the Decatur Public Schools Foundation to benefit elementary school classrooms in need of supplies or other projects of the DPS Foundation.
Created by the family in memory of their parents, the Jack and Olive Langsdorf Charitable Fund provides an annual grant to St Mary's Hospital's Senior Services.
This scholarship, available to Meridian High School graduates, was created by dear friends to honor the legacy of John Glenn Snow. John was a multi-talented musician who graduated from Macon High School in 1983 and Millikin University in 1987. He was the co-founder of a popular local band, Flatbranch, which had great success throughout central Illinois and a loyal following. John’s wife, Tracy and four adult children live in Nashville where John moved in 1987 to pursue a successful music career and later become a Pastor. John was beloved and cherished by every person he touched. The applicants for this scholarship should demonstrate a love of music and plan to pursue a post-secondary education (community college, 4-year university/college, or technical/vocational institution).
The Keri Rowden Coté Memorial Fund was created to honor the life and legacy of Keri who lost her courageous battle with cancer in 2020. She faced each day of her life with positivity and a compassion that extended to others facing similar challenges. It was her dying wish to help others who might not have the strong family support system that she was so grateful for. Her family created this term endowment fund to carry out her wishes.
Created by several local philanthropists, the earnings from this fund help support educational initiatives in Macon County.
Created by donors, disbursements from this endowed fund are to be used to support local Boy Scouting initiatives.
This fund supports inspiring readers, expanding easy book access, positively influencing literacy outcomes, and making Little Free Libraries available in high-need areas.
The board of directors of The Community Foundation created this fund to honor President Wegi Stewart of The Community Foundation of Macon County upon her retirement in 2018. Annual distributions from this fund help to cover the administrative costs of The Foundation.
This endowed fund was created by David Fathauer, in memory of his wife, Louise. Annual distributions from the fund are made to the Decatur Area Arts Council for their Program Scholarship Fund, which provides class tuition for those who cannot otherwise afford it.
The board of directors of The Community Foundation created this fund to honor Lucy Murphy, founding president, upon her retirement in 2010. Annual distributions from this fund help cover the administrative costs of The Foundation.
Donations to this endowed fund help support the mission and activities of the Decatur and Macon County Animal Shelter Foundation. Initial gifts to this fund were matched by the ADM Challenge grant.
Disbursements from this fund are used to support the mission and activities of Macon County CASA.
The Macon County Conservation Foundation created this endowed fund to receive gifts that would help support their mission and activities.
The Macon County Historical Society created this endowed agency fund to provide a steady income stream that would help support their mission and activities.
The purpose of Macon County Legacy is to encourage local people to include charitable giving in their estate plans through bequests and gifts in their wills.
The Mary Dickey Legacy Fund was created at her retirement by parents and students who had been touched by Mrs. Dickey's career. The purpose of the fund is to support and promote the mission, purpose and activities of Decatur Christian School.
This fund was created by generous donors to provide funding for Meridian High School students entering vocational and trades training programs.
Donations support the Meridian school district's agriculture education center which includes an AgTech classroom, shop and greenhouse facility.
Scholarship benefits Macon County union members in good standing or workers with a path of entry into a union. Honors Michael T. Carrigan's strong commitment to labor and community.
This fund was created generous donors and matching dollars from the Lumpkin Family Foundation to provide a permanent source of capacity-building microgrants to nonprofit organizations in Macon County.
Created by Doug & Peg Schmalz and matching funds from ADM, the Mt. Zion Schools Endowment Fund provides distributions directed by the superintendent's recommendations to support the mission and activities of Mt. Zion schools.
The fund was created to receive charitable contributions for the construction/creation of Mt. Zion Fletcher Park and its ongoing upkeep and maintenance activities.
This fund was created to receive local monetary donations to the National Association of Letter Carriers annual food drive.
This fund supports grants to promote a deeper understanding and teaching of literacy, to enrich instructional programs, to provide opportunities to link literacy between the home and the school, and to lay foundations that will develop life-long readers. Annually, two book vending machines are also supported by this fund for area elementary schools.
The Noon Kiwanis Club created this fund to provide an annual scholarship to a local student.
Northeast Community Fund created this fund to provide for ongoing support of their work and mission.
This fund was created to receive contributions that will support the mission and work of the Prairie Flower Montessori School.
We believe that this community has the resources to address our most pressing problems. The Community Foundation commits to do what we do best: mobilize generosity to address community needs. That’s why we, through the generosity of our founding donors, launched the Racial Equity & Inclusion Fund. This fund provides discretionary grant funding for those nonprofit organizations who are on the front lines in addressing the issue of racism and inequity in our community.
Created by friends and family of Rita Cornille in her memory following her courageous battle with breast cancer, this fund provides assistance in various forms to both patients and their families while navigating the difficult journey of a cancer diagnosis.
The Macon County Conservation District created this endowed agency fund to provide a steady income stream that would help support the Rock Springs Nature Center.
An agency fund providing support for RMHCI as they provide a supportive place for families to stay while their child is receiving medical care, and offer programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children.
Created by Robert Schwandt, this fund provides a disbursement to the RCC Foundation for the Schwandt-Albert Professional Development Fund at Richland Community College each spring.
Created by their father, Ken Robinson, this memorial fund provides funding for local extracurricular educational needs.
Provide a gift to the She Gave - A Women's Giving Circle Endowment to provide support for women and girls in perpetuity.
Created by a generous anonymous donor, this fund provides multiple full scholarships annually to St. Patrick Catholic School, with the goal of someday providing a full scholarship for every student there.
The is fund was created by Staley Credit Union with the ultimate goal of providing scholarships.
This fund promotes and supports the Millikin-Decatur Symphony Orchestra, in partnership with Millikin University, and provides music education opportunities for Decatur-area students. For example, the fund provides: • Band and orchestra instruments in a lending library for use by Decatur students, elementary through high school. • Instrumental music lessons for Macon County students elementary through high school, paired with a qualified teacher through the Millikin Community Arts Academy. • Director salary and other funding for the Decatur youth orchestra. • Financial support for the Millikin-Decatur Symphony Orchestra, which goes toward hiring professional musicians and rental and/or purchase of music scores.
Disbursements from this fund help provide education and outreach regarding teen health.
The Grand Victoria Foundation provided a $1 million dollar grant to this endowed fund as part of the statewide CommunityWorks initiative. The annual earnings from this fund are used to help cover the administrative costs of The Foundation.
Created by the Decatur Trades and Labor Assembly, this fund was created to provide funding to add names and to support the repair and maintenance of the Workers Memorial located at 253 E. Wood Street, Decatur, IL..
This endowed fund was created by a generous gift from Doug and Peg Schmalz. In addition to their original gift, Doug and Peg also provided a $25,000 matching challenge gift if other donors would step forward. Together these funds provide a steady income stream that help to support the mission and activities of Theatre 7.
Created by local area libraries, the Think Outside the Barn Fund provides funding that allows local libraries to have an educational presence during the Farm Progress Show held in Macon County.
The United Way of Decatur and Mid-Illinois created this endowed fund to receive gifts that would help support the work and the grantmaking of the United Way.
A fund established by local union members, We Are One Community uses collective donations from its members to make financial contributions to nonprofit organizations, like the Decatur Family YMCA and WCYA. Since their inception in 2011, We Are One Community has donated over $156,000 to local nonprofits. In addition to their financial support, We Are One Community members donate countless hours of volunteer service to several nonprofits in the community.
Created by Webster Cantrell Hall, this endowment fund provides quarterly distributions to help support the mission and work of WCH.
This fund was created by the Decatur World War II Memorial Committee and the contributions of numerous local donors to create and maintain the WWII Memorial located south of the Decatur Civic Center as a permanent monument to the bravery and sacrifices of those who served in the military during that war.
Disbursements from this fund support the mission and granting activities of Young Leaders in Action. YLIA is focused on helping young people develop lifelong values of generosity and leadership, and to build strong and caring communities.