Engineer in the Classroom

Engineer in the Classroom aims to promote engineering and STEM-based learning in a fun, interactive way for 5th grade students of all capabilities, backgrounds, and interest levels. We do so by sending real-world engineering professionals into 5th grade classrooms to teach introductory engineering principles, with the annual culmination of the program showcasing a student designed and built Rube Goldberg machine. Each year, the machine must accomplish a different task, and is built using only components that the students source from what many would consider "garbage." EITC has deep roots in the Decatur area, founded over 20 years ago with continuous annual growth, now reaching several communities around central Illinois.

Member's Wish List

Item/Purpose $ Amount % Funded
Branded Gifts for Volunteers
Our program is completely supported by volunteers - we'd like to re-pay them for their involvement with some fun STEM-centric giveaways - EITC Engineering/Graph Paper, EITC Drafting/Drawing Pencils, EITC Duct Tape (because what engineers toolbox is complete without a roll of duct tape...) have all been discussed as unique and engineer-friendly gifts.
Shirts for Board Members
As our Board members begin to get more involved in community outreach and various public activities, we would benefit from high-quality apparel that highlights and helps promote our program.
Website Re-Vamp & Annual Hosting
We would like to re-vamp our current website to look more professional and polished, and fix several known issues that repeatedly plague our current site.