Macon County Fair Association

Member Since: 2024

Member's Wish List

Item/Purpose $ Amount % Funded
New Loader Tractor 100hp no cab
We have a loader tractor currently but are in need of a larger model to help maintain the grounds and move things around on the grounds.
New Privacy Fence around track
We would like to continue to improve our track conditions by putting a privacy fence around the track to increase safety.
Renovations to Multas Building
This building we would be looking at putting heating and air in to be able to utilize this building year round and rent the facility out to the community in the hopes to bring in more small fairs and conventions to Macon County.
Renovations to Pride of the Prairie building
Our Pride of the Prairie building is used for a lot of events throughout the year including our Bingo nights and we also rent the facility out to the community for special events such as wedding receptions and larger agriculture functions. This building definitely needs updated. We would be looking at replacing the carpet, ceiling tiles, bingo screens and anything else to make this space as professional as possible.
Replacement of our Dipper Barn
Our Dipper Barn is utilized as the main show barn for any of our agricultural shows that are on the grounds. With it being an older barn, it has sustained some pretty significant structural damage over the past couple winters and although we can still utilize the barn safely we would like to get ahead of things and get it replaced sooner than later.