Meridian CUSD #15

Member Since: 2023

Member's Wish List

Item/Purpose $ Amount % Funded
STEM Lab Equipment - Demco Maker Cart
($4,300 each) - Featuring 40 ready-to-go activities and 17,000 components, our upgraded Makerspace Cart turns any space into a makerspace and will keep students busy learning all school year long.
STEM Lab Equipment - Kid Spark STEM Pathway Lab
($799 each) The STEM Pathways Lab covers a broad range of technologies and curriculum. Students get hands-on as they explore concepts in structural and mechanical engineering, applied mathematics, rapid prototyping and 3D printing, and coding and robotics.
STEM Lab Equipment - Printers and Supplies
Creality 3D Printers ($1,196), Printer Filament Bundle ($358), Mobile Paper Rack ($809), Paper ($1,432)
STEM Lab Equipment - Rigamajig Jr. and Add On's
Rigamig Jr. ($2,874) Rigamajig Junior enables you to make creations and structures large enough to crawl inside, or small enough to play with on a lap or tabletop. The only limit is your imagination! Rigamig Machines Add-On ($1,650), Rigamig Chutes Add-On ($1,600)
STEM Lab Equipment - Various Project Kits
Content Creation Toolkit for Podcasts and Videos ($1,499), K'Nex Maker Kit for Building Ideas ($959), Electronics Snap Circuits Project Kit ($539), Classroom Attraction Magnet Kits ($659) Gears! Build Set ($419), Makey Makey STEM Pack ($799), QBA Maze ($689)