33 Nonprofit Leaders Complete Lilly School of Philanthropy Fundraising Course
33 Macon County nonprofit leaders completed the Indiana University Lilly School of Philanthropy Principles and Techniques of Fundraising course. This is the first of 4 courses offered by the Lilly School of Philanthropy to earn their Certificate in Fundraising Management. Earning the certification demonstrates a commitment to philanthropy and the fundraising process.
“Fundraising is the gentle art of teaching the joy of giving. - Hank Rosso”
Normally, it would cost an organization $2,000+ to send a staff member to Indiana University for 4 days to complete the course. Thanks to the generosity of CFMC donors, this internationally recognized school was able to come to Macon County and only cost each participating organization $100 per staff member.
The 4-day Principles and Techniques of Fundraising course dove into the practical skills of effective fundraising including current fundraising research, ethics, building a fundraising base, solicitation strategies, preparing a fundraising plan, and more.
Next year, the CFMC will offer the next two courses in the certification program, Major Gifts and Developing Annual Sustainability.