Local Nonprofits Get Funding Boost To Help Them Offer Professional Development Opportunities
2022 Microgrants awarded totaled more than $28,800
Seventeen Macon County Legacy nonprofit organizations were awarded a total of more than $28,800 in Microgrants from The Community Foundation of Macon County (CFMC). The grants are targeted to help fund training and professional development programs for staff and board members within this specific group of nonprofits. The amount of grants awarded this year is the highest total since the Foundation’s Microgrants program was founded in 2010.
This year’s Microgrant applications included funding requests for training in advocacy; diversity, equity and inclusion; fundraising; management; accounting; leadership; team building; or other specific field related to the organization’s mission.
The 2022 Microgrants recipients and individual grant awards are:
- The Boys and Girls Club of Decatur, $2,000
- The Boy Scouts of America, Greater St. Louis Area Council, $1,900
- CHELP, $2,000
- Children’s Museum of Illinois, $1883
- Decatur Day Care Center, $1,400
- Decatur Family YMCA, $1,375
- Decatur Memorial Foundation, $2,000
- Energy Assistance Foundation, $750
- The Good Samaritan Inn, $2,000
- Heritage Behavioral Health Center, $1,500
- Macon Resources Inc., $1,295
- Millikin University, $2,000
- PawPrint Ministries Comfort Dogs, $2,000
- Prairieland Service Coordination, Inc., $1,520
- The Salvation Army of Decatur and Macon County, $2,000
- Scovill Zoo, $2,000
- Webster Cantrell Youth Advocacy, $1,189
For more information about the Microgrants program or becoming a Macon County Legacy member, call Natalie Beck at 217.429.3000 or email nbeck@maconcountygives.org.