Young Leaders in Action Serve Breakfast at The Oasis Day Center
During a recent meeting Young Leaders in Action members chose to impact The Oasis Day Center by bringing an early lunch to serve those who were in attendance. YLIA members Morgan Bohm of Argenta-Oreana High School and Allie Schelling of Maroa-Forsyth High School volunteered to co-chair the event. Together they coordinated the event details including timing, recruiting volunteers, deciding on the food to bring, and other details.
On a day off of school, YLIA members volunteered their time and brought in a variety of breakfast items to feed around 70 people in attendance at The Oasis Day Center. Co-Chair Allie Schelling challenged members to speak with someone in attendance and get to know them. This resulted in enlightening conversations and a member assisting a patron in filling out a job application. When asked why they chose The Oasis Day Center to impact, members responded with they wanted to serve those in the community who were in the most need and thus chose The Oasis to impact. Both members and patrons were impacted by this event and YLIA members have asked to execute this impact day again later this spring.