Our Team
Missy Batman
Position: Chief Operating Officer
Phone: 217.429.3000
E-mail: mbatman@heartofillinois.org
“I have felt so very honored through the years to have a front row seat to all of the amazing philanthropy that occurs in our community. Our county is home to some of the most generous people around. I go home each evening knowing that people truly care about their neighbors and their community!”
Missy is passionate about the role of the Community Foundation in the lives of donors and the vibrancy of the communities we serve. Prior to joining the Foundation, Missy worked in investor relations for a privately held company. That experience transferred naturally into donor relations, where she loves helping people create impact and design their legacy. In addition, Missy is responsible for HR and providing financial and investment reports. Missy holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. She earned her SHRM-SCP accreditation in 2019 and earned her Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) through The American College of Financial Services in 2021.
On behalf of the HICF, Missy has managed external community grants administration and provided all reporting functions; including a Federal Education Department grant in 2004/2005, Federal Housing and Urban Development grant in 2007, IL DCEO grant in 2008/2009, IL DCEO grant in 2012/2013, and an IL CEJA grant in 2024.
Missy’s late husband, Ray Batman, was passionate about making our community a better, stronger place for everyone. Her work continues to be inspired by his legacy. Missy has five grown children and six beautiful grandchildren.