Racial Equity Fund Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Any community member may contribute to the Racial Equity Fund. When our community comes together in support to solve our most pressing problems, we are stronger and more impactful than any individual, company or organization can be on its own.
The Racial Equity Fund Grants Committee, a diverse group of community-based individuals, reviews all applications and determines grant awards. More than half the members represent racial and ethnic minorities. This ensures that the groups being supported have a strong voice in the process.
CFMC Staff Committee Chair: Tony Holly, Director of Strategic Grantmaking, tholly@maconcountygives.org
CFMC Board Committee Representative: Justice Lisa Holder White
Committee members:
- Natalie Beck
- Caleb Jump
- Jilmala Rogers
All grants issued from the Racial Equity Fund must be designated for charitable, religious, literary or educational purposes at organizations that meet Code Section 501(c)(3) status. Qualified organizations include schools, religious institutions or government agencies located in Macon County, Illinois.
The Racial Equity Fund will support both annual grant distributions and permanent funding. Fifty percent of all donations will fund yearly grants, and the other fifty percent will support the Racial Equity Endowment to provide a lasting legacy of support for ongoing needs.
An endowment provides a stable source of income to address concerns of racial equity forever. The impact of these investments will continue to benefit the community long after the donations have been made. In addition, contributions to the Racial Equity Fund provide a lasting legacy for the donors who support it.
Our community grows and changes each year. The Racial Equity Fund will be here to meet our community’s racial and equity challenges – now and forever.
Yes! An honorary or memorial donation to the Racial Equity Fund is a perfect way to recognize those individuals, families or groups who are committed to creating a better community for all of us.
Yes! The Community Foundation accepts non-cash gifts such as stocks and bonds in addition cash and credit cards. To make a credit card donation to the Racial Equity Fund, please click here. If you would like more information about making a non-cash gift to the Racial Equity Fund, please contact Missy Batman at mbatman@maconcountygives.org for simple transaction instructions.