YLIA leaders participate in Cebrin Goodman Teen Institute Leadership Conference
In February, representatives of Young Leaders In Action(YLIA) of Macon County participated in a leadership conference led by the Cebrin Goodman Teen Institute(CGTI). At the conference, the YLIA leaders collaborated with leaders from other schools to discuss service project ideas and action plans that assess local issues.
At the conference, YLIA leaders also practiced skills in communication, data analysis, goal setting, facilitation and more. Other events included guest speakers and workshops on alcohol and drug prevention, team building, healthy decision-making, and more.
“I heard Jeff Martin speak about biases and using your privilege to help others,” says YLIA Leader Alex Mallory. “I learned how to talk to people I didn't know and how to form meaningful connections with them. I really developed my social skills and learned about what it takes to be a leader.”
“I attended workshops that focused on drug and alcohol prevention. I talked with a discussion group about what skills it takes to be a leader and how to implement these leadership skills in all areas of life,” says YLIA Leader Abionna Tertocha. “I really loved getting to know so many new people and connecting with them through fun activities. We also had time with our own team to sit down and create an action plan that we can take back to our own community.”