Welcome to the Nonprofit Network!
Nonprofit Network courses are facilitated by experts, providing opportunities for participants to connect to new knowledge and to build relationships.
The Nonprofit Network represents the collective voice of the Central Illinois nonprofit sector, and brings best practices, resources and support to the nonprofit community.
As a partner in professional development for local nonprofit staff and volunteers, the Heart of Illinois Community Foundation is providing grant funding to support capacity building across our nonprofit sector by facilitating trainings. We realize that providing opportunities to learn is a strategy that many nonprofit often overlook due to limited funding. But, when a nonprofit invests in effective development opportunities, they are providing the resources necessary for staff and volunteers to improve their skills and advance nonprofit missions.
Nonprofit Network courses are facilitated by experts, providing opportunities for participants to connect to new knowledge and to build relationships. Our offerings are designed to enhance the governance, management and skills of nonprofit staff as well as volunteers. Please contact Rachel Moran, Nonprofit Network Director, at 217-429-3000 or rmoran@heartofillinois.org with questions or suggestions for upcoming courses.
2024 Courses and workshops for nonprofit staff and volunteers:
Introduction to Board Governance Are you interested in making a difference by serving on a Board of Directors in Central Illinois? If you live in Central Illinois and want to make our community a better place – plus develop your professional leadership skills – enroll in the Introduction to Board Governance course!
Grant Writing Class sponsored by Kroger - details coming soon!
Developing Annual Sustainability Oct. 7-8 Lilly Family School of Philanthropy - Third class in the Heart of Illinois cohort progressing to earning their Fundraising Management Certificate. 5 spots are reserved for Piatt County nonprofit leadership and 3 spots are reserved for Moultrie County nonprofit leadership.